Monday, September 6, 2010


I had a chance to paint a sketch that Joe drew for me when he was in vancouver. I wanted to stick with the loose letter body and creative color composition he's been rocking recently, so I chose to fill the piece with roller buff and treat it more as if it was part of the wall, rather than something I was painting on top of a wall. At first it was harder than I thought, but once I got the hang of it, I found the style very forgiving and fun to paint. I would have liked to spend some more time on details of the piece, but we got spooked a few times by train workers and had to leave..
Thanks for the sketch Joe! Would love to hear some feedback .


  1. Looking good! I would of liked to see you get even more loose with it on the wall and maybe to of pushed out more color behind the piece; breaking up the rectangle format.

    Keepin' it moving

  2. Thanks dude. yeah im feeling what youre saying. I think im going to paint it again at a wall where I can spend some real time on it.


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